GPBP Release notes
Versioning is a process of tracking changes to a datanormalbase or software over time, allowing users to understand how the database has evolved and to easily roll back changes if necessary. As changes are made to the UI/UX of the database, it will be documented here in the release notes and this will include a brief description of the change, and the date it was made. We also use GitHub as the version control system to manage changes to the database by our developers. This allows us to track changes over time, roll back changes if necessary, and collaborate with others on the database.
V 0 . 4 . 0 . beta
Operational pre-release
Operational pre-release
Significant updates to platform
Minor changes UI/UX
Smaller bug fixes
Pre-release/Testing version
OCTOBER 28TH 2024 | V.0.4.0.beta
Release Notes: V0.4.0. beta
This major release brings significant improvements in data management, user interface, and data visualization to enhance overall user experience and platform functionality:
- Optimized Database for ETT and HCT Data: Restructured the database to store Exposure Tolerance Threshold (ETT) and Hazard Criticality Threshold (HCT) data more efficiently, allowing for clearer separation and easier data management.
- Separated HCT and ETT Data on Screening Page: Updated the screening page to display HCT and ETT data (when available) in separate tabs, improving readability and enabling users to focus on specific data sets.
- New Bar Chart Visualization for ETT Data: Introduced a bar chart graph for ETT data visualization, providing a more intuitive and informative way to analyze exposure tolerance thresholds.
- Contextual Accuracy in Screening Results: Changed screening results values from total time to asset lifetime to ensure data is presented in the most relevant context for users.
- Enhanced UI/UX on Screening Page: Implemented several user interface and experience enhancements on the screening page to make screening results more accessible and informative.
- Added Grid Display for ETT Data: Introduced a new grid layout for displaying ETT data on the map, within the screening results page, facilitating better data organization and interpretation.
SEPTEMBER 20TH 2024 | V.0.3.1.beta
Release Notes: V0.3.1.beta
This release focuses on visual enhancements and critical bug fixes to improve overall user experience and platform stability:
- Graph Value Corrections: Resolved issues where graphs displayed incorrect or inconsistent values, ensuring accurate data representation.
- Threshold Background Colors Restored: Fixed missing background colors in the RTD table, enhancing visual cues for different thresholds.
- RTD Table Link Fixes: Restored missing links in RTD table rows on certain pages, improving navigation and accessibility.
- Enhanced Risk Details Information: Added new informative text to the 'Risk Details' section on the Climate Risk Results page for better user guidance.
- Configuration Page Headers: Introduced headers to dropdown options in the Configurations page, improving organization and user comprehension.
- Consistent Dropdown Design: Updated dropdown select components for a uniform and cohesive design across the platform.
- Data Preparation for Upcoming Features: Separated HCT and ETT data in preparation for the upcoming ETT values tab, laying the groundwork for future enhancements.
AUGUST 9TH 2024 | V.0.3.0.beta
Release Notes: V0.3.0.beta
This release introduces significant feature enhancements, new functionality, and various bug fixes aimed at improving user experience and expanding the capabilities of our platform:
- Next Button Logic Enhancement: To ensure accuracy and clarity, the next button is now disabled when any values or parameters are changed, preventing users from proceeding to the screening page without screening with the updated inputs.
- Form Validation Enhancements: Improved form validation logic to ensure users cannot proceed with incomplete or invalid data.
- Project Grids Data Integration: Applied the latest project grids data directly to the map, offering users a more comprehensive view and enhanced usability.
- Climate and Scenario Data Connection: Connected different climate parameters and scenarios to the grid data for improved readability and contextual understanding.
- Scenario and Climate Parameter Integration: Refined the logic for selecting and displaying climate parameters and scenarios, ensuring that the map reflects these selections accurately.
- Parameter Reset Logic: Implemented a feature where the scenario is reset to a default value when switching climate parameters, providing a more intuitive user experience.
AUGUST 2ND 2024 | V.0.2.1.beta
Release Notes: V0.2.1.beta
This release introduces significant feature enhancements and various improvements aimed at enhancing user experience and expanding the capabilities of our platform:
- Extended File Type Support: Users can now upload additional file types, specifically KML and SHP, broadening the range of data sources that can be integrated into the platform.
- RTD Configuration Links: Added direct links within the RTD configuration table to specific RTD entries, enabling quicker navigation and streamlined access to relevant data.
- Projects Database Update: The projects database has been updated, ensuring that users have access to the latest project data.
- Bug Fixes: Addressed various bugs across the platform, contributing to a more stable and reliable user experience.
MAY 17TH 2024 | V.0.2.0.beta
Release Notes: V0.2.0.beta
This release brings significant enhancements and visual improvements aimed at enriching the user interface and expanding the functionality of our platform:
- Geographic Asset Verification: Introduced a major functionality that checks whether assets placed or drawn on the map are within the selected country boundaries, alerting users if discrepancies are found.
- Mapping Tools Updates: Implemented visual changes to the mapping tools, enhancing user interaction and visual consistency across the platform.
- Landing Page Redesign: Made adjustments to the landing page to offer a better and more consistent look and feel, improving the first impression and overall aesthetic of the platform.
- Report Page Enhancement: Revamped the first page of the report section, incorporating appealing visuals that will set the tone for subsequent pages in future updates.
Operational pre-release
APRIL 29TH 2024 | V.0.1.4.beta
Release Notes: V0.1.4.beta
This release introduces enhancements and updates designed to improve both the functionality and aesthetics of the platform:
- Adjusted the placement and style of the asset subtype select component. This improvement ensures that activating this component no longer causes displacement of surrounding elements.
- Undertook a comprehensive redesign of the homepage to standardize margin consistency, enhancing the visual coherence and navigation experience.
Bug Fixes:Addressed several minor bugs from the previous release to further smooth out platform performance and stability.
Platform stability: Continued to execute rigorous tests aimed at verifying the platform’s robustness, particularly in scenarios involving extensive data interactions, to preclude potential disruptions.
Known issues: The following issues have been identified and will be addressed in the upcoming release:
- Some components are not rendering properly across various display sizes. Efforts are underway to rectify these issues in subsequent releases.
- Ongoing improvements are being made to minor UI elements from previous versions, with a focus on refining user interaction points.
APRIL 19TH 2024 | V.0.1.3.beta
Release Notes: V0.1.3.beta
This release brings a number of enhancements that improve functionality and user experience across different aspects of our platform:
- The reanalysis data for all country datacubes has been updated to reflect the most recent 2023 datasets, ensuring users have access to the latest and most accurate information available.
- For cases where no subassets are present in the configurations page, we have now added additional subassets. This update ensures the "suggest climate parameters" button will activate as needed, facilitating continuous and effective screening without disruptions.
- The toolbar's edit section background color has been updated to white to enhance clarity and consistency in the interface. A hover effect has also been added to improve interactive feedback.
- The longitude/latitude and search functionalities are now greyed out to clearly indicate their current development status. When users attempt to interact with these options, informative tooltips will appear, explaining that these features are still being enhanced and are not yet fully operational.
- The Sensitivity Analysis tab has been greyed out to visually indicate that it is not currently available. When users attempt to access this tab, a tooltip will appear, explaining that the feature is not yet implemented.
- In projects screened for climate risk, the functionality to expand fields has been limited to the first three fields on the Project Details page. Clicking on the country selection field will trigger a tooltip explaining why it is disabled.
Bug Fixes: A new animation now indicates the process of downloading a PDF, helping users recognize that the download is active and that they should wait until it completes.
Various minor bugs from the previous release have been identified and fixed, contributing to a smoother and more stable platform experience.
Platform stability: Ongoing tests have been conducted to ensure that the platform remains stable and reliable, particularly during project screening processes. These tests help prevent potential errors and ensure a seamless operation.
Known issues: The following issues have been identified and will be addressed in the upcoming release:
- Minor UI elements from previous versions are still under improvement and will be addressed in future releases.
APRIL 12TH 2024 | V.0.1.2.beta
Release Notes: V0.1.2.beta
This release brings several key updates and improvements that focus on enhancing the user interface, streamlining interactions, and fixing known issues from the previous releases:
- The Methodology section on the landing page has been updated to reflect the latest changes and insights, providing users with a clearer understanding of the processes and principles that guide the platform.
- Actions on the toolbar have been moved to the bottom of the tools panel to improve usability and ensure a cleaner layout.
- The system now correctly handles asset removal operations and provides clearer error messaging when operations fail, aligning with user expectations and enhancing error transparency.
- Updated the mapping toolbar’s visual design by introducing a white background to enhance clarity and user experience.
- The 'Start Screening' button will now be disabled when the map toolbar is open, preventing conflicts and ensuring users complete necessary actions before proceeding.
Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue where path and polygon tools were not functioning correctly, as previously reported in the last update's known issues. Users can now utilize these tools without experiencing interruptions or errors.
Various minor bugs reported in the previous version have been identified and resolved. These fixes contribute to an overall smoother and more stable platform experience.
Platform stability: Continuous tests and checks have been performed to ensure the platform operates efficiently without processing errors, especially during the project screening process. These efforts aim to maintain high reliability and performance standards across all functionalities.
Known issues: The following issues have been identified and will be addressed in the upcoming release:
- Currently, when users press the download button on the report page, there is no visual feedback or confirmation provided, which might lead users to think the action did not work. This can result in users pressing the button multiple times, causing multiple downloads. This issue has been identified and will be addressed in the upcoming release to improve user interaction and prevent unintended multiple downloads.
- Some minor UI elements are not yet implemented and will be addressed in future updates.
APRIL 3RD 2024 | V.0.1.1.beta
Release Notes: V0.1.1.beta
This release includes improvements of the platform mainly enhancing the usability of the map tools, handling the project list, and adjusting the report paging:
- For what regards the projects table, it is now possible to sort entries with different criteria (title, name, country, assess type, date of screening, overall risk). Moreover the project list has been organized by pages, with selectable number of entries per page.
- The map toolbox (project creation and editing steps) has been improved and aligned to the most recent look-and-feel requirements. Its functionalities have been further evolved, allowing opening the tool several times, and limiting the number of geometries that can be entered per project to one.
- Added a constraint to avoid uploading files with more than one geometry.
- The paging of the report has been modified to allow the visualization of multiple screening criteria per climate variable.
Bug Fixes: Various minor bugs reported in the previous version have been identified and resolved. These fixes contribute to an overall smoother and more stable platform experience. Our team has pinpointed and addressed several small glitches that were highlighted in the last update. These corrections lead to a more seamless and dependable user experience.
Platform stability: Tests have been performed to avoid processing errors and issues during the project screening process. A series of evaluations were conducted to prevent processing mishaps and complications throughout the project configurations step.
Known issues: The following issues have been identified and will be addressed in the upcoming release:
- Moving the map while drawing, resets the drawing tool.
- Some minor UI elements are not yet implemented.
FEBRUARY 18TH 2024 | V.0.1.0.beta
Release Notes: V0.1.0.beta
This release includes two major improvements of the platform that allow completing the project screening workflow:
- The possibility to visualize the result of the screening of each project as textual report and the capability of exporting the report in the form of a portable document (pdf format).
- The possibility to recall unfinished and finished projects: unfinished projects can be re-opened, modified, and screened. Finished projects can be opened to explore project information (with a minimal editing capability), verify which screening configurations have been applied, and visualize the screening results, including the report visualization and export functionality.
- Bug Fixes: We've identified and resolved various minor bugs reported in the previous version. These fixes contribute to an overall smoother and more stable platform experience.
- Quality of Life Improvements: As part of our ongoing efforts to optimize the user experience, especially in the climate change screening process, this release incorporates additional QOL enhancements. These improvements focus on making the platform more responsive and efficient.
- Platform stability: A set of tests has been performed to avoid processing errors and issues during the project screening process.
JANUARY 10TH 2024 | V.0.0.3.alpha
Release Notes: V0.0.3.alpha
This release includes of minor yet impactful enhancements and refinements that continue to improve the platform’s functionality and user experience. The following are the key updates included in this release:
- Enhanced Project Management: Building on the previous update, we've now added a 'Recently Viewed Projects' section. This feature allows users to quickly access and manage projects they've worked on recently, streamlining project interaction and saving valuable time.
- Bug Fixes: We've identified and resolved various minor bugs reported in the previous version. These fixes contribute to an overall smoother and more stable platform experience.
- Quality of Life Improvements: As part of our ongoing efforts to optimize the user experience, especially in the climate change screening process, this release incorporates additional QOL enhancements. These improvements focus on making the platform more responsive and efficient.
DECEMBER 13TH 2023 | V.0.0.2.alpha
Release Notes: V0.0.2.alpha
The Geospatial Planning and Budgeting Platform (GPBP) continues its development journey with the release of version V0.0.2.alpha. This update introduces several key enhancements and new features:
- Platform Migration: GPBP has now been migrated to a new URL. This move represents a step forward in enhancing the platform’s stability and scalability.
- Project Management Enhancement: In this version, we have introduced the ability to select and interact with previously created projects. This feature allows for the review and editing of project details, furthering the platform’s functionality.
- Bug Fixes: Various bugs identified in the earlier version have been addressed, leading to improved stability and performance.
- UI/UX Improvements: The update includes a series of UI/UX enhancements aimed at streamlining the user interface, making the platform more intuitive and efficient.
- Quality of Life (QOL) Improvements: This release incorporates various QOL enhancements, focusing on optimizing the user experience and efficiency of the climate change screening process.
NOVEMBER 1ST 2023 | V.0.0.1.alpha
First alpha version for internal testing.
The first alpha release of the geospatial Planning and Budgeting Platform (GPBP) is the initial version addressed to the project development team to assess platform performance, report non-conformances with respect to the mock-up and submit change requests. This version allows users to perform the full climate change screening operation, from the provision of project information, through the selection of the variables and thresholds to be used, till the execution of the climate change screening tool to assess overall and detailed identifies risks. Within this release, project’s geographic footprint can be added drawing by hands points, lines, polygons, or uploading geojson files; further input options (entering exact coordinates and searching by location name) will be added to following releases.